In this global village, interaction among individuals on a corporate level is diversely changing. People from various backgrounds having different culture, ethnicity, religion and language are becoming an active part of our forums. In order to understand and convey ourselves and conversely to understand the other sides’ needs, wants, thoughts; it is essential to be able to translate communicated thoughts and words in a more concrete form.
This is where we come in, we help you translate or interpret anything that needs to be helped with just to be sure that you form a connection with all those you interact with; be it on a corporate level, within firms and organizations, with legal documents, you name it and we will aid you in all possible ways to make your work better. Reliable Translations will become your go-to place whenever you come across such a hardship. Our services are highly efficient, effective and reliable; losing a deal because of a language barrier is a dreadful thought for many.
Services We Offer
The services we offer include translating your most essential documents, your corporate work or your different certificates. We offer various interpreting services which may help you communicate and set forth your views.
Translating Your Legal Documents
Translation is offered for almost any legal document from your liability report to an order from the court, or simply any type of legal documentation needed, our highly professional translators are capable of doing everything in a hassle free way for our customers.
Translating Your Corporate Doings
Translations are done for a variety of documents including: your accreditations for corporate documents, import documents, income tax certificates, registration and incorporation certificates, any and all marketing/promotion campaigns, websites and the list goes on and on…
Translating Certified Documents
Often one needs to translate documents which require proper certification from an authorized translator. We provide this service; the translations are done by certified translators.
Interpreting Services
Have you ever thought that having an interpreter in one specific meeting would have helped you in sealing the deal? We give you just what you want, whether you need an interpreter for a one on one meeting, corporate meeting, sales meetings/presentations or any type of seminar, we provide highly qualified professionals to meet the exact need.
Types of Interpretations You May Need
An interpreter is an individual who has a command of two or more languages; they should have the ability to retain what is being said in one language and translate it to the other language without hesitation or lags.
The types of interpreting are as follows:
• Interpreting languages among any sized group and done while the speaker is speaking and without breaks in the interpretation: simultaneous interpreting
• Interpreting services performed where breaks can be allowed for the interpretation; Types of such would be an interview, one on one counseling of any kind, etc…: consecutive interpreting
• On-the-go interpreter for 24 hours, accommodate you in various meetings, tours, etc : escort interpreting
• Labor and political interpreting: Normally these meetings, in which there is an audience of any size and one speaker, are held in a Simultaneous setting
Importance Of Our Services
Communication is the key factor in almost anything one sets their eyes on. In the modern world it is highly important to be able to connect and communicate whether individually or nations trying to connect with each other. In such a diversified world where everyone is playing a part, we seek to provide you with the highest quality service possible along with the most cost effective options available. We simply strive to meet any and all needs you may have for your Language Service needs!
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